We ran out of space to store games. So, I tore everything from my den to turn it to a specialized storage room. Carpeting, walls, everything removed and rebuilt. Between chapters, I'm down there recreating a room of The Tainted Dragon Inn. I'll show that hopefully soon.
My piece at Medium about game prices the shipping crisis has been read a few thousand times. You should check it out if you haven't.
Riftsiders: Unlawful Possession is in edits at the publisher. That should see a release about Q1, 2022.
Riftsiders: Identity Theft is being written right now, probably a late 2022 release for that.
Scimitar, a middle grade feathered dragon fantasy is in first revisions with Bonnie, my agent.
Oathsworn. Saw a prototype. This may be why I need to build that extra storage room.
Later in October '21 will be my first game giveaway. Subscribe to the newsletter and follow @TDIPaulD on twitter for chances to win.
Back to work. I have chapters to polish and floorboards to saw.